Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Why am I doing this blog?

Music is something that I have always been interested in and it is something that I spend a lot of my time with. Being a professional musician is my goal. I want to see the world and preform music for many different people. I enjoy listening, writing, playing, and recording music. I hope that I can provide up to date information on various artists and music with this blog. I also want to voice my opinion on the latest music. I have always wanted to start a music blog so now is my chance I hope people will be able to get something out of it and enjoy it.


  1. So what kind of instruments do you play? I'm assuming the guitar from the picture above, but anything else? Have you written a lot of your own songs? Or have you recorded your own CD? Do you play in a band or solo? Ever performed in front of a large crowd? What got you into playing music?

  2. I play almost every instrument there is out there. I have been in numerous bands since I was fifteen. I have played in front of many large crowds over the years. I have recorded my own cd and I have recorded cds for other people as well. I have a home studio where I do all that stuff. I had always been interested in music but one day I bought a Black Sabbath Vinyl and I decided thats what I wanted to do.

  3. I can see why you wouldn't want to live on campus lol if I had my own studio at my house I wouldn't want to give that up, especially since music sounds like a huge part of your life. Thats pretty cool that you've recorded your own CDs. I wonder if theres a way you could upload it to the blog or something so people can see what you've done. When I was younger I wanted to learn how to play the saxophone and later on I wanted to learn how to play the snare drum and be on a drum line... but that never happened. I think it would be fun to learn how to play the guitar now but I don't think that will happen either unfortunately. So whats the first instrument you learned how to play? and what got you interested in it?

  4. The first instrument I learned how to play was the piano. I don't really remember what sparked my interest. I just remember always playing the piano and that lead to wanting to learn how to play more instruments.
